Preparatory group

In order to promote the multi-directional development of the preschool child, to better prepare him for school, a preparatory group operates in the school.

The preparatory group program includes a one-year course, which aims to:

- Development of the child's thinking and creative skills;

- Develop the ability to observe events and facts, personal qualities (concentration, organization, responsibility);

- Formation and development of various linguistic aspects (correct speech, phonetic culture);

- Enriching the vocabulary and developing elementary knowledge about the environment and society of which he is a part;

- Developing a positive attitude towards the learning process;

- Formation of elementary mathematical ideas, study of native and one of the foreign language (English) elements;

- Teaching elements of music, rhythm, choreography;

- Familiarity with the elementary levels of certain fields of fine arts.




The program of the preparatory group aims to activate the child's ability to think independently and help him to "maintain the emerging interests", to strengthen social, cultural, hygienic skills.


The course focuses on teaching preschool children in the form of conversations, exercises, didactic and other games, labor, subject-practical action, observation of events, interaction with the environment, musical and moving motor education and fun.

The training content includes: educational, developmental and upbringing tasks.

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